Nothing too rugged for these fencing contractors

The problem

Rugged terrain in the Marlborough high country has traditionally wreaked havoc with fences. This type of terrain can be a detrimental and costly problem, as fence lines become hard to manage and maintain. Heavy machinery can be another added cost to this problem, as this type of terrain can form a reliance on it, for its maintenance.

Another reason this region can be costly to farmers, is heavy snowfall. “high snowfalls in these areas would push over traditional wooden posts”. This coupled with the to lower valley, water pollution issues, which stems from feral animals and vine debris.

Michael Renner, along with his father Terry and brother Bradley, run ‘Renner Contract LTD’ fencing contractors – or as they are locally known ‘Renner Fencing’ - in the Marlborough region. They have been fencing on this type of terrain for many years. And have discovered that the reliance on this machinery can pose massive problems “Most of the time it’s very difficult to get the machinery in there to install wooden posts…” Mr Renner stated.

The solution

The Renners state that the best way to overcome all of these issues is to up the quality of your fencing products and switching out to a steel system. “…most of the time steel fences can be particularly effective (over using machinery and wooden posts)”. Furthermore, switching to a steel post system can reduce the effect of high snowfalls. Mr Renner said “Our clients have found that using good quality steel posts in the high country has helped reduce sagging fences during heavy snowfalls,”

 Although wooden posts are popular in the Marlborough region, Mr Renner said the cost of the wooden posts and the steel posts are in a similar range.“With wooden posts you have to use machinery to drive them into the ground and that means money. Using Waratah fences might cost more in base materials, but machinery isn’t needed and that helps to level costs.”

However, it is not only problems associated with machinery inaccessibility and snow that have been overcome by more strategic fencing. Water pollution issues in vineyards have also been overcome. “Installing Waratah netting over dams in the region has stopped feral animals and vine debris from polluting the water and clogging pumps,” Mr Renner said.

Advice for farmers

“Fencing using quality products saves farmers a lot in the long term. The Australian made Waratah products we use are strong, quality steel and will last longer than other cheaper imported products.” 


Marlborough Region
New Zealand

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