Vineyard roo-proofing a success

The Problem

Across Central Victoria Kangaroos are causing continual damage. Fencing contractor, David Cornthwaite has several clients within the region that are experiencing the damage and economic losses that are commonplace for producers facing kangaroo problems.

One of Mr Cornthwaite’s clients own a vineyard that is under direct threat from the pests.

Mr Cornthwaite said, "Kangaroos developed a taste for their vines and fruit and were doing hundreds of thousands of dollars of damage a year". 

The owners of the property wanted a solution that would effectively exclude kangaroos and would also be quick and easy to put in place.

The Solution

To ensure kangaroos could not jump over the fence, a 1.8meter fence height was recommend. A combination of Jio Star and Jio MaxY 240cm posts were used. The use of both posts assures the barrier is strong enough to withstand impacts from the roos. A Jio MaxY post has a larger profile than the Jio Star, this allows greater distance between posts with the added guarantee of strength.

The wire that was used was Stocksafe-T Longlife Blue. The rigid knots resist vertical wires from being separated, reducing the chance of feral animals penetrating the fence.

Mr Cornthwaite said, "This combination was quicker than usual to assemble and we did 350 metres of fencing in a day a half. It's only been up a few months, but the owners are yet to see a kangaroo in their vineyard." 

Advice for Farmers, From Farmers

"It's a great result and I think it will be useful not just for other vineyards, but also on other properties facing destruction from the kangaroo population," Mr Cornthwaite said. 

"Cheaper materials just don't stand up to kangaroos that are determined to get to your crops and get themselves a fancy feed. The damage kangaroos cause mean the investment in a strong, well-designed fence is worth it." 


Seymour, Victoria

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Products used

Jio® Posts

Jio® MaxY® Post 'Waratah's'

Prefabricated Fencing

Stocksafe-T® Longlife Blue®