Wild Dogs Devastation - The key to keep them out

The Problem

In Southern Queensland, a property owner was faced with a major wild dog issue. Brent Finlay runs 8000 Merinos on his 4500ha farm near Stanthorpe. Mr Finlay said “while wild dogs have always been an issue in the area, a surge in numbers now placed the sheep operations of many local producers under threat”.

Reports of wild dog attacks on livestock were increasing. Finlay was losing approximately 600 sheep per year, with an average market value of $120 per head, there was a lot of income being lost through wild dog outbreaks.

The Solution

The strategic construction of the exclusion fence has allowed a southern Queensland sheep producer to reclaim parts of his property from wild dogs and return it to productive and profitable sheep grazing land.

The 19km fence used Stocksafe-T wire with an Apron. This prefabricated fencing was specifically designed to prevent animals from penetrating the fence. The pre-attached apron eliminates the gap between the bottom wire and the ground. This is an extremely effective barrier against wild dogs, as well as pigs, wallabies and kangaroos.

Mr Finlay said, “By installing the fence we have increased the ease and effectiveness of running the property, we have eradicated some of the major production costs - the loss of sheep and sheep that are stressed from being chased by dogs”.

Advice from farmers to farmers

“When you have wild dogs you spend hours every day looking for dogs, so the savings for us will be substantial in wages and there is an increase in stock numbers because we have removed the principle cause of death.”


Stanthorpe, Queensland

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Products used

Prefabricated Fencing